We are honored to be supporting the following projects:
Residents wanted more outdoor recreation opportunities in Ellsworth, so this group formed to create safe, multipurpose trails throughout town. They began clearing trails at Cairns Woods in 2020 and turned a formerly unused village forest into a community gem with groomed trails, signage and information kiosk. For more information or to join their efforts, follow them on Facebook or email Steve Marson at marsonmailbox@gmail.com

One of the first groups to approach E3 for support, this is a group of like-minded dog-lovers that envision an accessible, safe, and clean space for pets and their owners to get exercise and socialize with others off the leash. After receiving a grant from Purina in 2021, this group has been actively looking for a space within the Village or County to see their vision come to life. Get more information or get involved by visiting their Facebook page or contacting Karissa Hanson at ellsworthdogpark@gmail.com.

An active group of creative artists and art lovers, this committee wants to bring the beauty of public art to Ellsworth. From East End to Main Street, volunteer community artists decorated 20 stone planters, turning each one into its own unique work of art. They hope to transform Ellsworth's East End into a hub for arts and culture with a mural walk, events, and live performances. For more information on continuing efforts, follow them on Facebook or contact Kayleen Jakes at brushstrokesparty@gmail.com.

East spring, this program awards grants to student-led projects in the Ellsworth Community School District. The first contest in 2022 awarded a total of $5,000 to seven projects, including a mural, adding ice skates to the public rink, a Ukrainian dinner fundraiser and sports camps. Each year students present their idea to a judging committee, who then award the funds. Funds are raised through the E-Town Collaborative rental fees and donations. To learn more or donate, email Anne Pechacek at pechaceka@ellsworth.k12.wi.us