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About Us

In October 2018, Ellsworth community members took part in “Design Ellsworth” with UW-Madison Extension. The idea was to envision what Ellsworth will be like in the future. Ellsworth E3 was founded in 2019 to help people act on vision and redevelopment efforts to improve our quality of life. 

It takes a village to bring positive change. E3 is committed to the shared visions of community members. Using our non-profit status, community-led project committees can seek project support such as access to funds, volunteers, information, and education to see their ideas become reality.

We value strong partnerships with the Ellsworth Village Board, the Community Development Authority, the Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce, the Pierce County Economic Development Corporation, UW- Madison Extension, and Ellsworth Community School District to leverage resources available throughout the community.  

We value strong partnerships with the Ellsworth Village Board, the Community Development Authority, the Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce, the Pierce County Economic Development Corporation, UW- Madison Extension, and Ellsworth Community School District to leverage resources available throughout the community.  

current board

Raynee Farrell

Karissa Hanson

Kelli Henneman

Kayleen Jakes

Cheryl Johnson

Tiffany Meyer

Sarah Nigbor

Anne Pechacek

Naomi Sarnstrom


founding board

E3-Executive Committee 2019_edited.jpg

Bottom row, left to right: Angie Whelan, Jenny Funk,
Amber Ristow, Adam Westrich

 Back from left to right: Curt Wandmacher and Raynee Farrell

Ellsworth, Wisconsin   |   P.O. BOX: 903, Ellsworth WI   |   Contact Us

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Ellsworth E3 is a non-profit, 501 (c) 3 community development corporation whose mission is to improve quality of life

by generating, managing, and allocating resources to meet the current and future needs for our Ellsworth, WI community

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